A typical Toastmasters meeting is divided into four segments:

Prepared speeches

from the Communication and Leadership program are presented by members to improve particular aspects of their public-speaking ability. There are ten speeches which make up the first segment of a Toastmaster career.

Table Topics

which gives members without speaking roles that evening the opportunity to practice impromptu speaking skills by answering questions asked by the Table Topics Master.


by Club members provide constructive feedback to both prepared speakers and meeting leaders. An evaluator, usually a more experienced Club member, gives an oral evaluation and provides written comments to each speaker. All members present give written feedback to each speaker as well.

A business portion

for addressing the business of the Club.



prepares and leads the overall program. Serves as MC and ringleader, as it were.

Table Topics Master

leads the impromptu speaking segment by asking questions to those who do not have assigned speaking roles.

General Evaluator

evaluates the meeting overall

Speech Evaluator

evaluates a particular speaker

Table Topics Evaluator

evaluates the Table Topics segment, giving feedback to both the Table Topics Master and select respondents.


simply put, keeps track of each speaker’s time and provides immediate feedback in the form of signals.


listens for grammatical mistakes used during meetings. The Grammarian also provides the “Word of the Day”, a word members attempt to incorporate into the meeting when speaking.

“Ah” Counter

keeps track of, um, crutch words and, … uh, you know, unsavory speaking habits used by, like, each member of the group… uh… yeah.

I love how we get a different leadership and public speaking experience in every meeting as every member takes turns serving in different meeting roles in every meeting.